Well prognosis report


Installation of a well for the abstraction of groundwater can run into £1,000s. A well prognosis report will provide essential information for determining the feasibility of installing a well at an early stage. It is the first stage before embarking on drilling a well and may not only save £1,000s but may also help locate the most favourable location for a well to optimise well yield and to ensure a suitable water quality.

A well prognosis report can also be used to inform the well installers/drilling company when requesting a quotation and will enable them to give a more accurate quote.

FastSearchTM Report

Our FastSearchTM Report provides you with a cost-effective way of initially assessing whether a well is feasible at a specific site. The FastSearchTM Report gives you answers to the most fundamental questions when locating a well: Where do I drill? How deep do I drill? How much can I abstract? and What is the water quality?

Once the answer to these basic questions are found to be favourable we recommend progressing to a detailed well prognosis report.  

What's included in a well prognosis report?

There are a number of factors to take in to account when assessing the feasibility of a well and a well prognosis report can be tailored to your requirements although we generally include the following:

Why choose us?


A well prognosis report will not guarantee success. However, what it will do is limit the potential problems that may arise when drilling for water.