Well prognosis report
Installation of a well for the abstraction of groundwater can run into £1,000s. A well prognosis report will provide essential information for determining the feasibility of installing a well at an early stage. It is the first stage before embarking on drilling a well and may not only save £1,000s but may also help locate the most favourable location for a well to optimise well yield and to ensure a suitable water quality.
A well prognosis report can also be used to inform the well installers/drilling company when requesting a quotation and will enable them to give a more accurate quote.
FastSearchTM Report
Our FastSearchTM Report provides you with a cost-effective way of initially assessing whether a well is feasible at a specific site. The FastSearchTM Report gives you answers to the most fundamental questions when locating a well: Where do I drill? How deep do I drill? How much can I abstract? and What is the water quality?
Once the answer to these basic questions are found to be favourable we recommend progressing to a detailed well prognosis report.
What's included in a well prognosis report?
There are a number of factors to take in to account when assessing the feasibility of a well and a well prognosis report can be tailored to your requirements although we generally include the following:
A detailed description of the likely geological sequence;
An assessment on the likely groundwater availability;
An assessment on the likely groundwater quality and any likely treatment required;
An indication on the likely depth of groundwater;
An assessment of the likely yield from the well;
An assessment of any potential environmental issues;
Cost benefit analysis;
Legal obligations and regulatory requirements.
Why choose us?
The report will be completely independent as we have no affiliation to any drilling company.
We have experience working in all major aquifers in the UK.
A Chartered Geologist will undertake this assessment.
A well prognosis report will not guarantee success. However, what it will do is limit the potential problems that may arise when drilling for water.