Groundwater Solutions has staff with abundant experience with some of the largest waste operators in the UK including Augean Plc., Biffa Group Ltd., Waste Recycling Group Ltd., FCC, Veolia Environmental Services (UK) Plc. and Viridor Ltd. providing technical input for their operational and closed hazardous, non-hazardous and inert landfill sites.
Groundwater Solutions provides the following services:
Hydrogeological risk assessment - simple and complex
Hydrogeological risk assessment review
Environmental Permit variation
Leachate management and treatment options appraisal
Surface water and groundwater management
Dewatering and groundwater management
Design, installation and procurement of landfill monitoring network
Monitoring network and regime optimisation
Environmental data collection, management and analysis
Quarterly and annual monitoring report production
Landfill cell under construction
Leachate breakout at ground surface