Water well installation
Thinking of drilling a well for water supply?
We recommend the following 3 steps to drilling a well:
1. Assess whether an appropriate source of groundwater is available at your site.
This assessment can be undertaken by a Groundwater Solutions by commissioning a FastSearchTM Report or well prognosis report.
Should you use a water dowser, water diviner or hydrogeologist?
2. Obtain at least 3 competitive quotes from reputable water well drilling companies.
Ensure that the drilling companies are affiliated with the British Drilling Association.
3. Contact the Local Authority if the water is intended for human consumption or used for washing food for human consumption.
See the Private Water Supplies Regulations 2009.
Groundwater Solutions will be able to help you every step of the way and even manage the whole process from start to finish should you wish. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
You may also wish to read guidance published by the Drinking Water Inspectorate (dwi) regarding Private Water Supplies.